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The Magic of MusiKids

About Our Deals - What We Say

For many years, I had heard others rave about MusiKids, but I wasn't sure what could make a music place so special. When we first started and I walked in the door, I was expecting all of these bells and whistles. However, there were none and the class was in a simple room.

I must tell you that I now understand what all the excitement was about.  Our experience this session with MusiKids has not only been the best music experience I have had with my kids in general, but I have just grown to love and cherish the place and our hour each week.

Tags: musikids, bethesda, deal, Certifikid, kids


CertifiKID was founded by a mom with a passion for helping parents provide the best experiences for their children on a budget. From outings to adventures, classes to camps, theater to sporting events, amusement parks to getaways, CertifiKID provides the best family-friendly experiences at unbeatable prices. Sign up for family-friendly deals in your area and start saving!