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Gratitude Tablecloth a Meaningful Family Thanksgiving Tradition

Holidays Parenting
Photo Credit: Krystal Farnell Photo Credit: Krystal Farnell

Every year in November, our family brings out the white tablecloth, though it's not so white anymore.

I bought it eight years ago, when my firstborn was 2. Now this simple white tablecloth — covered in thoughts of gratitude and love — is one of our most treasured traditions.

I wanted to share our gratitude tablecloth idea with you, so perhaps you too could start your own gratitude tablecloth with your family this Thanksgiving season.

All you need is a white cotton tablecloth, some permanent markers, and gratitude!

We bring the tablecloth out each November and gather as a family over a special meal to think about what we are most thankful for over the past year, and then write what we're thankful for on the tablecloth, along with our names and the year. 


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